- Remove the brick wall and storage area behind it
- Raise Sanctuary by two steps
- Add tall stone wall and wainscot
- Cut stained glass windows into the north wall of the Church
- Replace original windows on east and west side of Church with new framing and adding stained glass
- Music area is removed and replaced with pews moved from the back of the Church
- Enhanced by appointments of altar, ambo, statues and tabernacle pedestal
- Convert current confessionals into recessed display alcoves for new Stations of the Cross made of stone and wood
- 7 stations on west side (shown in the image below) and 7 stations on the east side of the church
- Station alcoves will have recessed lighting to highlight each station
- Organ, piano, and musicians will be transitioned to a more fitting space to better assist us in our Divine worship through sacred music
- Organ speakers are located in new structure above the loft and hidden behind pipe facade
- Confessionals are created from the storage room on the east and the crying room on the west
- Remainder of crying room and existing vesting room for servers are converted into a Blessed Sacrament Chapel, creating a space to inspire a deeper silence
- Gut entire east side (shown in blue) and remodel
- Create new breakroom, ADA accessible bathrooms, vesting room for servers, and large storage room
- Building exit is converted into new storage room
Please note that the following images are digital renderings and do not fully encapsulate the final result of the renovations.